What I Like About French Riviera or Cote d'Azur • Absolutely worth your money! • Clear and easy installer including auto detection of the FS9 directory. • Nice and handy manuals with enough details as well as the necessary charts. • Great airport details, for example for LFMD (Cannes) LFMN (Nice) and LNMC (Monaco). • It covers a 12.000 km2 area, thus a great ultimate VFR experience. • Although the France VFR website is currently only in the French language, e-mails are quickly and correctly answered in English.

• FSX patch only makes the software compatible with FSX, thus the resolution stays the same as FS9, which is 4.7m/pixels. Patch applicable for SP1, SP2 or MS Acceleration Pack. What I Don't Like About French Riviera or Cote d'Azur • Unfortunately the France VFR website is still in the French language, which is difficult for foreign visitors or potential buyers. • I personally don’t see the idea of the IFR low and high airways charts.

• Keep in mind; the available textures are only offering summer period. • The France VFR forum is only available in French. When a customer wants to look for information, support or sharing information with other users, he/she is not able to unless you’re a French speaking person. Printing If you wish to print this review or read it offline at your leisure, right click on the link below, and select 'save as' Standard Disclaimer The review above is a subjective assessment of the product by the author.

There is no connection between the producer and the reviewer, and we feel this review is unbiased and truly reflects the performance of the product in the simming environment. This disclaimer is posted here in order to provide you with background information on the reviewer and any connections that may exist between him/her and the contributing party. © 2008 - AVSIM Online All Rights Reserved.

France Vfr Fs2004 Download

FSX Flight Simulator Scenery listing France. Click here for Flight Simulator 2004 France sceneries. Colmar Houssen for France VFR Alsace addon.

Chateau de Turpault and Port Maria For a start, the photorealistic textures capture this part of France in late summer. It therefore looks like genuine French countryside, not some generic European scene. The colours and 'feel' of the coast, shoreline and sand dunes are also well-represented. Secondly, while many of the buildings are from the regular FS2004 stock, there are sufficient local houses and churches to give an authentic flavour of north-west France. Then there are the distinctive buildings, the lighthouses and the fort, that any visitor to these islands would immediately recognise. Thirdly, and it's this which makes the scenery so unique, every building and tree appears to be individually placed.

They don't just spring out of the ground in a way that's unrelated to the underlying texture. It does actually look as though the scenery designer has picked up and placed each item in relation to the scenery, much the same as the builder of a model railway. So you see trees lining the roads and along the edges of fields, or clustered around an old manor house. The houses themselves are grouped around roads, with villages and village squares at the major junctions. There are thousands of such objects, and I don't know how they've done it, but the overall result is uncannily lifelike at 500 feet. Turning finals for Quiberon's Runway 29, near Port Haliguen Although these islands are quiet places, there's sufficient 'eye candy' to catch the attention.

Land at one of the airfields, and you'll occasionally see a car arrive or leave. Fly over the harbour, and you'll see a ferryboat leaving, and a group of yachts racing around buoys.

At night, there's far less to see, but the regular flash of the lighthouses is now a feature. I only have two minor criticisms. The first is that whilst the airfield windsock behaves as expected in user-created weather, with downloaded weather for some reason it twitches all over the place; it reminded me of one of those Monty Python animations. Medinskij kurs tom 1 v formate vord. The second is that, like all photorealistic sceneries, there's no seasonal variation. This of course is due to the limited stock of original photography. So you can get the unusual sight of snow falling, but none settling on the ground.

However, as the islands lie within the warming Gulf Stream, that's a possibility in real life. What I Don't Like About France VFR • Documentation in French only Click below to add your comments!

Standard Disclaimer The review above is a subjective assessment of the product by the author. There is no connection between the producer and the reviewer, and we feel this review is unbiased and truly reflects the performance of the product in the simming environment. This disclaimer is posted here in order provide you with background information on the reviewer and connections that may exist between him/her and the contributing party.