Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 crack only skidrow 51f937b7a3 Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Step up and play the parts of your heroes in the epic finale of the entertainment event of the decade. Jun 15, 2012  Playing as Harry and other key characters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 videogame, you are on a dangerous and urgent quest to locate and destroy the remaining Horcruxes, and with them, Voldemort.

' That's him, it's him, it's the real one!' — calling out 's location to The Battle of the Seven Potters, also known as the Battle Over Little Whinging, or the Flight from Little Whinging, [] was an aerial battle, or dogfight, of the that took place above the area of. The battle occurred on,, when several members of the were ambushed by while removing from the home of his only, the. The battle proved to be one of many attempts on Harry Potter's life.

The Order managed to get Harry to safety, but suffered the loss of their leader,, and Harry's owl,, in the process. Also lost an ear because of a curse sent by, who originally sent his curse at a Death Eater's wand arm.

Yaxley: ' My Lord, I have heard differently., the Auror, let slip that Potter will not be moved until the thirtieth, the night before the boy turns seventeen.' Severus Snape: ' My source told me that there are plans to lay a false trail; this must be it. No doubt a Confundus Charm has been placed upon Dawlish I assure you, Yaxley, the will play no further part in the protection of Harry Potter.' — Death Eater meeting at Malfoy Manor during the height of the war After the murder of and at the hands of Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter was left in the care of his maternal aunt,.

Although she and her husband were reluctant to take Harry in, doing so sealed powerful blood magic that would protect Harry until his seventeenth birthday. Harry lived with the Dursleys at in Little Whinging when he was not at.

1997 Death Eater meeting where Voldemort learned part of the Order's plan Voldemort learned of this protection, and thus sought to find and kill Harry when the removed him as he came of age. By July 1997, there had been another of Death Eaters from and Voldemort had enough control over the to observe any, use, or activity from the Dursleys' home, but the Order mistrusted the Ministry and made other plans, thus Voldemort was not privy to the whole plan and only part of it. The seven Potters. Alastor Moody: ' We'll go in pairs. That way, if there's anyone out there waiting for us — and I reckon there will be — they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one.'

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Harry Potter: ' The real one?' Alastor Moody: ' I believe you're familiar with?' — Moody informing Harry about the 'Seven Potters' scheme The seven Potters Left to Right: Fred, George, Mundungus, Fleur, Ron and Hermione In order to preserve his position as a trusted Death Eater, was forced to tell Voldemort the true date at which the Order planned to move Harry. However, he placed a on Order member so that the other wizard would suggest a plan to have six others disguise themselves as Harry through the use of to act as decoys. The rest of the Order was unaware of this, as they believed Snape to be a traitor. However, they accepted the plan to have seven Harry Potters, each escorted by an Order member acting as a protector, and fly away from Little Whinging, as no other method of transportation was safe.

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Harry himself did not like the plan because it risked others’ lives, but was overruled. The ' Potters' and their protectors were: The Seven Harrys and their protectors • with, on the of • with, on a • with, on a • with, on a • with, on a • with, on a • with, on a The battle Immediately after the group of fourteen took off, they were ambushed by at least thirty, including himself. Pursuit of Harry. Harry Potter: ' Death Eaters, loads of them — we were chased —' Ted Tonks: ' Death Eaters? What d'you mean, Death Eaters?

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I thought they didn’t know you were being moved tonight, I thought —' Harry Potter: ' They knew.' — Harry and Ted after they arrive at the safe-house Rubeus Hagrid and Harry Potter being chased by masked Death Eaters Harry and Hagrid were pursued by several Death Eaters, one of whom killed Harry's owl while aiming for Hagrid. Hagrid used the motorbike's exhaust to knock one Death Eater off his broom and Harry shot as many spells as he could at them, most of them. Harry's Stunning Spells collided with the curses the Death Eaters cast, making it appear as if fireworks were being set off. At one point, the side-car Harry was in began to break away from the bike, forcing Harry to use a to remain in the air. Harry's wand reacting to Voldemort in the sky over Harry struck one Death Eater with an and knocked a tooth from his mouth when dodging a curse. Once Hagrid lifted him up onto the bike, he blew the falling side-car up with a, blasting a Death Eater off his broom.