Today Amazon wirelessly replaced the eBook version of Neal Stephenson‘s Reamde after readers found errors in the $16.99 eBook. This may be a stupid question, but who screwed up here? I presume that it was the publisher, Harper Collins. They set the price and I assume that they prepared the ebook. Given that the book is priced, I would argue overpriced, at $16.99 I would hope that the file is a decent quality.

There is little enough excuse for a self-publisher to put out a badly formatted book. I can find none for a big publisher to do so.

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Is there something that I am missing here? We have now seen HUGE errors in high profile releases from Pratchett, Stephenson, and, now, the Steve Jobs biog. It's immensely frustrating to me that the news stories seem to blame either the author or the retailer. Clearly, the blame should be laid at the feet of the person producing the book: the publisher. It's unacceptable - especially at those eye-watering prices.

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They seem to be conversion errors from, I'm guessing, the process where they export an EPUB from InDesign which they then convert to MOBI. I hand-code the HTML for all my e-books, and compile each format separately.

That's the only way to guarantee zero errors on all devices. It takes a few hours for something very complex like non-fiction.

Less for fiction. It seems that publishers are trying to cut costs and formatting time, and don't even do a minimum of testing. I don't get it. Rockyoutxt password list download for windows 10.

It's really not hard to do. The amazing part to me is this: they don't appear to proof the text AFTER it has gone through the conversion software. This is really basic stuff. It should be easy to get right. It seems to be institutional carelessness.

All the final edits are made on the pdf galleys for the print book and not transferred back to the electronic file from which the e-book will be converted. No rational reason or excuse except that that seems to be the way it was always done and most big publishers have haven't adapted to the new world of e-books. 'The publisher rakes in far more profit than from a print title.' Not so unfortunately. The per unit revenues of the e-book are more than paperback editions under certain conditions, but not more than hardcover editions. Additionally, errors happen.