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Plan menyu dlya kafe obrazec 1

BPaPnQJJ Google is the best search engine Google (2008/01/29 13:02:33). WoHFSAcM RTiFgW.

Plan Menyu Dlya Kafe Obrazec

Requirements • Steam accounts for broadcasting must be. In other words, there must be at least $5 USD spent on Steam store with these accounts. • Limited accounts will not be able to create an RTMP token and will not be able to broadcast onto the Steam platform using RTMP. • The account used for streaming must own the game you plan to stream (ie, see the game in your Steam library). The account should specify the appid of the game on the page to help Steam know which store page to show the live stream. More details below. • The Steam Client cannot stream an unreleased game.

However, you can use RTMP to stream an unreleased games. It is perfectly fine to give your fans a preview of a game you are working on. SetupA Steam store product spage can now host a live broadcast.

The following explains how to setup your application for broadcasting: Store Page SetupOn the store page, you permit Steam users to broadcast on your behalf. You can also change settings associated with the broadcast appearing on your store page. For instance, you can choose to show broadcast chat, or hide chat by default (so your artwork is more prominent), or remove chat from your store page completely.

You can add custom artwork which will surround the video player when chat is hidden or chat is removed. • Navigate to the application landing page in the Steamworks Partner site • Choose 'Edit Store Page' and go to the 'Special Settings' tab • Scroll down to the 'Steam Broadcast (Beta)' section and choose one or more broadcasters that are permitted to live stream onto your Steam store product page. The order in which the broadcasters appear is their rank. The rank is used to tie break when more than one permitted streamer is streaming live at the same time. Steam will prefer to feature the higher ranked streamer on your product page. You can drag and drop on the UI to change a broadcaster's rank.

• After you are happy with the changes, remember that you need to 'Save' (scroll down to button at the bottom of the page) to keep changes. Once saved, that information will be available to the 'beta' store page view. • Using the publishing process on your app will make the changes live to the Steam store. This is done via Publish tab at the top of the page, and then through publish the app. • Remember, every time you add/remove a Steam account or when re-order the list, the change is only stored in memory. You need to Save and then Publish to make the changes reflect to the Steam store. • Known Issue: There maybe a short delay (up to 5 minutes) before Steam recognizes they are streaming for your product page.