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AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY Taranov P. M., Panasyuk A. Kolesnikova E. MANAGEMENT Pirozhinsky S. G., Rebezov M.

Amiraslanova N. ZOOTECHNOLOGY Solovyova O. AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES Parkhomenko G. N., Tverdokhlebov S. Yu., Bychkov A. A., Kotelevskaya E. F., Efremova V.

London: Butterworth and Co (publishers) Ltd. Manual of auditing (The Coopers and Lybrand). Bookcraft (Bath) Ltd. 0 Comments Leave a Reply. Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. September 2015. Modern approaches to classification of control and audit types and forms in agricultural production cooperatives.

A., Romanenko V. Yu., Rostovtsev A. Karapetyan M. Drobachev Yu. Kozhevnikova N.

Pupko g m audit i reviziya uchebnik in the philippines

G., Rakushina O. TECHNICAL SERVICE Bykova E. V., Balabanov V. O., Lakhno A. AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORT Sereda A.


V., Privalenko A. N., Sharin E. TRANSFORMATION OF AGRICULTURAL PROTECTIONISM IN RUSSIA AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES IN GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS The paper considers the impact of the global financial crisis on the agricultural policy of the world countries: the agricultural sector now is of the highest priority for government protectionist efforts. The Russian government has also introduced a number of restrictive measures, but, generally speaking, the domestic food market is still protected not quite enough.

Key words: agricultural protectionism, food market protection, farm policy, restrictive measures. The Unrelenting Pressure of Protectionism: The 3rd GTA report. A Focus on the Asia-Pacific Region / Edited by Simon J. — London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2009. The Unequal Compliance: The 6th GTA report / Edited by Simon J. Evenett — London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2010.

M., Panasyuk A. S. Formirovanie prioritetov zashchity rossiyskogo prodovol’stvennogo rynka // Ekonomicheskiy analiz: teoriya i praktika. — № 11 (218). Sistemnaya oshibka na sto milliardov // Ekspert.

TARANOV, PhD (Econ), associate professor Tel. 8 (86359) 3-49-38 E-mail: A. S. PANASYUK, assistant professor Tel. 8 (86359) 4-38-96 E-mail. MODERN APPROACHES TO CLASSIFICATION OF CONTROL AND AUDIT TYPES AND FORMS IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION COOPERATIVES The paper outlines the main modern approaches to control and audit classification relating to farming cooperatives basing on both the author’s personal understanding of control classification criteria and the nature of control and audit as economic instruments. The author suggests possible directions of development of the classification groups concerning control objects and subjects as well as control procedures. Key words: agricultural production cooperative, control types, control forms, control object, control subject, control procedure.