Military Courtesy Military courtesy is one of the defining features of a professional military force. Military courtesy is an extension and a formalization of courtesies practiced in everyday life. It is intended to reinforce discipline and the chain of command, defining how soldiers will treat their superiors and vice versa. Due to the limitations we face with TeamSpeak and ArmA we developed our own system of Military courtesy to overcome the before mentioned limitations. Military Courtesy in TeamSpeak and In Game The TeamSpeak is our base, our barracks and our offices.

Because of the obvious downfall of not always seeing who enters a channel we enforce signing in and out of channels. This simple system lets everyone in any channel know who just entered the room and how to react.

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Signing in and out of channels is a very simple task. Every time you join a channel you will wait a second to see if someone is talking, and if not you will sign in properly.

Same thing goes for leaving a channel. Wait until people stop talking and sign out properly. The proper ways to sign in and out are described below. To sign into a channel you will say: ' RANK Lastname signing in' or short ' RANK Lastname in' To sign out of a channel you will say: ' RANK Lastname signing out' or short ' RANK Lastname out' The only exception to this rule are the Operation and Training Channel into which you NEVER sign in our sign out of. Addressing NCO's, WO's and Officers Now that you know how to sign in and out of a channel it is important that you learn how to address soldiers in different branches.

To better understand the rank structure it is important that you study the U.S. Rank system we utilize in our unit. The rank system and requriements can be found here:. The ranks from E-1 Recruit to E-4 Specialist are Enlisted personnel. The ranks from E-4 Corporal to E-9 Command Sergeant Major are Non-Commissioned Officers or NCO's. The ranks from W-1 Warrant Officer to W-5 Chief Warrant Officer 5 are Warrant Officers. The ranks from O-1 Second Lieutenant to O-5 Lieutenant Colonel are Officers.

All of these groups have slight differences in how you address them. It is required that all soldiers below the rank of the person they are addressing follow these rules strictly. Soldiers at equal or higher rank then the person they are addressing can but do not have to follow these rules. Courtesies are always given to soldiers who are above your rank while soldiers of higher rank can but do not have to give the same courtesies to soldiers below their rank. Addressing Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO's) Addressing NCO's can seem complicated but it is really easy once you get the hang of it.

NCO's are senior enlisted personnel that proved their skill and worth to the unit and therefore they deserve to be addressed by their rank and last name. The only difficulty here is that the name of their rank is not always what you address them as. Some ranks are shortened for ease of use and are equal to other ranks.

For reference look at the table below. Addressing Warrant Officers (WO's) Addressing Warrant Officers is pretty straight forward. The Warrant Officer branch consists of 2 types of rank, the regular Warrant Officer rank (WO-1 Warrant Officer 1) whom you address as ' Mister LASTNAME' or if they are female ' Miss LASTNAME'. The Chief Warrant Officer ranks (WO-2 Chief Warrant Officer 2 - WO-5 Chief Warrant Officer 5) you address as ' Chief LASTNAME'. Warrant Officer Candidates are addressed simply as 'Candidate' or 'WOC'.

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Addressing Officers Addressing Officers is similar to addressing NCO's, some of the ranks have the same title of address but the main difference is that you address an Officer with 'Sir' or 'Ma'am' depending on gender. The proper way to address an Officer would then be 'RANK Lastname, sir/ma'am'. For reference look at the table below. Attention, At Ease and Saluting Standing At Attention and At Ease are military postures used in formations and outside of formations when an Officer or a Senior NCO are present. To explain when each of these are used and how soldiers should behave during these postures they have been split up below into 2 sections. Standing At Attention Standing At Attention means that you are quiet, standing up straight, looking forward and not moving.

This posture is held whenever an Officer is present and 'Attention' was called. Once 'Attention' is called all soldiers will salute the Officer and hold their salute until the Officer lowers his returning salute. The call for attention is usually done by the highest-ranking enlisted. When an Officer joins a TeamSpeak channel the highest ranking person will call 'Attention' and everyone in the room will remain quiet until the Officer calls 'As you were' which means you can continue your conversations or duties.


This procedure is really useful in case the Officer has information he has to share with the personnel in the channel as he will have complete silence and the attention of all soldiers inside. The exception to calling attention for an Officer is if there is a higher ranking Officer already in the room. 1000 lugares que ver antes de morir pdf descargar gratis para. Example would be if a Second Lieutenant joined the channel where the Captain was already present. No one would be required to call attention for the Officer but Military Courtesy still applies and it is customary to greet the Officer appropriately. Standing At Ease Standing At Ease means that you are quiet, standing up straight and not moving.