The EP-9 (Teisco's first double cutaway - a small-bodied thinline hollowbody archtop) was introduced this year and the EP-7, EP-8, EP-14, EP-15, EP-17, EP-17-T and EP-18 were still available. 1965: A major style change this year which helps in the dating of models is the introduction of a striped metal pick guard on most models. Teisco World - Serial Number Date Chart - iiNet Teisco World Serial Number / Date Chart Project (By Jimmy Noise / Aug 2012) What is the Teisco Serial Number / Date Chart? Fiat ecu scan keygen crack serial number. The chart is a list of model numbers going.


Help Re-Discover Teisco Until the 1990’s Teisco guitars were not considered collectable, nor were they given any respect as a vintage instrument. In 2009 the Official Vintage Guitar Price Guide contained less than half a page to cover the vast range of models made by Teisco. Even their description of the models is very general and the values were completely wrong compared to what the market was paying at that time. It demonstrates the lack of respect that collectors had towards these guitars. Given that some of these models were selling well past the thousand dollars mark, it seems useless to print in a price book the most a Teisco guitar is worth is five hundred dollars. This is the type of problem faced with Teisco collecting. There is no guide, or references to base anything on.

The biggest issue with collecting Teisco’s is that there is no records kept of the models and their original state. The original company is long gone and any records that existed would have been in Japanese. Unlike American guitar companies, trying to contact people in Japan regarding Teisco history is almost impossible. A lot of models had several versions while others constantly evolved over several years.

There was also a few model numbers that were re-used several years later for different shaped guitars. This adds to the confusion as to what is your guitar and what is it suppose to look like. Then try to determine when it was made and what it is worth becomes confusing. Then to confuse the matter even more, Teisco some how got the credit for manufacturing almost all the Japanese vintage guitars during the 60’s. Many cheaper quality instruments manufactured by other companies were assumed to be Teiscos, bringing down the reputation of the brand. There was actually about eight manufactures during the 1960’s in Japan, producing a wide range in quality.

So where does all that leave us? Well there are a couple of sources of information on the World Wide Web.

There is a lot of misleading information on Teiscos and just because it is on some ones page does not mean that it is true. But given the amount of information they had to start with, they did a pretty good job collecting what information they have. For the past 10 years we have been quietly compiling data to provide all the answers relating to the history of Teisco Guitars. We have identified and recorded about one hundred and fifty seven models of guitars and basses produced by Teisco, plus there are additional models with other brand names. (eg Silvertone, Kimberley etc.) For more information on what we are trying to achieve, visit the But more information is needed so all the gaps can be filled before we start publishing any material. This is where we need your help to rediscover Teisco.