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Jun 21, 2018 - Dalam tutorial pertama belajar pemrograman pascal di duniailkom ini akan. Turbo Pascal adalah compiler (program untuk menjalankan bahasa pascal) yang. Pada periode 1980an, terdapat aplikasi UCSD Pascal, Microsoft Pascal. Pascal dari dasar hingga procedure, function dan contoh kasus. Pada program function ini, saya mencoba untuk membuat perhitungan luas persegi panjang.program function berada di atas dari program utama. Ketika program di jalankan pengguna akan di suruh untuk memasukan lebar dan panjang dari sebuah benda yang selanjutnya akan di hitung dan di tampilkan ke dalam layar output.

Most of the softwares you write need implementing some form of date functions returning current date and time. Dates are so much part of everyday life that it becomes easy to work with them without thinking.

Pascal also provides powerful tools for date arithmetic that makes manipulating dates easy. However, the actual name and workings of these functions are different for different compilers. Getting the Current Date & Time Pascal's TimeToString function gives you the current time in a colon(: ) delimited form. The following example shows how to get the current time − program TimeDemo; uses sysutils; begin writeln ('Current time: ',TimeToStr(Time)); end. When the above code was compiled and executed, it produces the following result − Current time: 18:33:08 The Date function returns the current date in TDateTime format. The TDateTime is a double value, which needs some decoding and formatting. The following program demonstrates how to use it in your program to display the current date − Program DateDemo; uses sysutils; var YY,MM,DD: Word; begin writeln ('Date: ',Date); DeCodeDate (Date,YY,MM,DD); writeln (format ('Today is (DD/MM/YY):%d/%d/%d ',[dd,mm,yy])); end.

When the above code was compiled and executed, it produces the following result − Date: 4.00000E+004 Today is (DD/MM/YY):23/7/2012 The Now function returns the current date and time − Program DatenTimeDemo; uses sysutils; begin writeln ('Date and Time at the time of writing: ',DateTimeToStr(Now)); end. When the above code was compiled and executed, it produces the following result − Date and Time at the time of writing: 23/7/2012 18:51: Free Pascal provides a simple time stamp structure named TTimeStamp, which has the following format − type TTimeStamp = record Time: Integer; Date: Integer; end; Various Date & Time Functions Free Pascal provides the following date and time functions − Sr.No. Function Name & Description 1 function DateTimeToFileDate(DateTime: TDateTime):LongInt; Converts DateTime type to file date.