Windows Notes On Windows, applications can be built in different modes (also called build configurations), which determine the type of the runtime library that is used by the final executable. An application can be built in debug or release mode. Then it can be built in 32-bit or 64-bit mode. Also, one can choose between the static ( /MT) or the dynamic ( /MD) runtime.

How do I add a reference to the MySQL connector for.NET? Ask Question 25. What does this mean. You can also now downgrade your.NET instance if you need to (we're constrained to.NET 3.5, but wants 4.0 at the time of my writing this). On the menu bar, navigate to the properties of your project (Project > Properties). Then it can be built in 32-bit or 64-bit mode. Also, one can choose between the static (/MT) or the dynamic. A dynamic connector library name has a.dll extension and is used with a import library that has a.lib extension in the vs NN. MYSQL_CONCPP_DIR= Connector/C++ installation location CPPFLAGS = -I $(MYSQL.

Different versions of the MSVC compiler also use different versions of the runtime. It is important to ensure that the compiler version and the build mode of an application match the same parameters used when building the connector library, to ensure that the connector and the application use the same runtime library. Binary distributions of Connector/C++ 8.0 ship libraries built in release mode using dynamic runtime ( /MD). The libraries are built with MSVC 2015 (the exact compiler version can be found in a file included in the package; see ).

Code that uses these libraries can be built with either MSVC 2017 or 2015 in /MD mode. To build code in a different mode, first build Connector/C++ from source in that mode (see ), then build your applications using the same mode. Note When linking dynamically, it is possible to build your code in debug mode even if the connector libraries are built in release mode. However, in that case, it will not be possible to step inside connector code during a debug session. File playercorefactory xml download. To be able to do that, or to build in debug mode while linking statically to the connector, you must build Connector/C++ in debug mode first. There are separate 64-bit and 32-bit packages, each keeping libraries in the lib64 and lib directories, respectively.

Package and library names also include vs NN. The vs NN value in these names depends on the MSVC compiler version used to build the libraries (for example, vs14 for MSVC 2015). This convention enables using libraries built with different versions of MSVC on the same system.

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A dynamic connector library name has a.dll extension and is used with a import library that has a.lib extension in the vs NN subdirectory. Thus, a connector dynamic library named mysqlcppconn8-1-vs14.dll is used with the import library named vs14/mysqlcppconn8.lib. The 1 in the dynamic library name is the major ABI version number. (In the future, this will help using compatibility libraries with old ABI together with new libraries having a different ABI.) The vs14 subdirectory also contains a static version of the library named vs14/mysqlcppconn8-static.lib. A legacy JDBC connector dynamic library named mysqlcppconn-7-vs14.dll is used with the import library named vs14/mysqlcppconn.lib.

The corresponding static library is named vs14/mysqlcppconn-static.lib. When building code that uses Connector/C++ libraries. • Add $MYSQL_CPPCONN_DIR/include as an additional include directory and $MYSQL_CONCPP_DIR/lib64/vs14 (64-bit libraries) or $MYSQL_CONCPP_DIR/lib/vs14 (32-bit libraries) as an additional library directory in the project configuration. • To use the dynamic library, add mysqlcppconn8.lib to the linker options (or mysqlcppconn.lib for legacy code).