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• Hawkins, P.N.; Myers, M.J.; Epenetos, A.A.; Caspi, D.; Pepys, M.B. 1988-01-01 Highly specific, high-resolution scintigraphic images of amyloid-laden organs in mice with experimentally induced amyloid A protein (AA) amyloidosis were obtained after intravenous injection of 123 I-labeled serum amyloid P component (SAP). Interestingly, a much higher proportion (up to 40%) of the injected dose of heterologous human SAP localized to amyloid and was retained there than was the case with isologous mouse SAP, indicating that human SAP binds more avidly to mouse AA fibrils than does mouse SAP. Specificity of SAP localization was established by the failure of the related proteins, human C-reactive protein and Limulus C-reactive protein, to deposit significantly in amyloid and by the absence of human SAP deposition in nonamyloidotic organs. However, only partial correlations were observed between the quantity of SAP localized and two independent estimates, histology and RIA for AA of the amount of amyloid in particular organs. It is not clear which of the three methods used reflects better the extent or clinical significance of the amyloid deposits but in vivo localization of radiolabeled SAP, detectable and quantifiable by gamma camera imaging, is apparently extremely sensitive. These findings establish the use of labeled SAP as a noninvasive in vivo diagnostic probe in experimental amyloidosis, potentially capable of revealing the natural history of the condition, and suggest that it may also be applicable generally as a specific targeting agent for diagnostic and even therapeutic purposes in clinical amyloidosis • Petrov, A.V.; Ryabchikov, A.I.; Struts, V.K.; Usov, Yu.P.; Renk, T.J.

2007-01-01 Carbon allotropic form - C 60 and C 70 can be used in microelectronics, superconductors, solar batteries, logic and memory devices to increase processing tool wear resistance, as magnetic nanocomposite materials for record and storage information, in biology, medicine and pharmacology. In many cases it is necessary to have a thin-film containing C 60 and C 70 fullerene carbon coatings. A possibility in principle of thin carbon films formation with nanocrystalline structure and high content ∼30-95% of C 60 and C 70 fullerene mixture using the method of graphite targets sputtering by a power ion beam has been shown. Alundra rom deutsch free. Formation of thin-film containing C 60 and C 70 fullerene carbon coatings were carried out by means of deposition of ablation plasma on silicon substrates.

Ablation plasma was generated as result of interaction of high-power pulsed ion beams (HPPIB) with graphite targets of different densities. It has been demonstrated that formation of fullerenes, their amount and characteristics of thin-film coatings depend on the deposition conditions. The key parameter for such process is the deposition rate, which determines thin film formation conditions and, subsequently, its structure and mechanical properties.

Nano-hardness, Young module, adhesion to mono-crystalline silicon substrate, friction coefficient, roughness surface of synthesized coatings at the different deposition conditions were measured. These characteristics are under influence of such main process parameters as energy density of HPPIB, which, in turn, determinates the density and temperature of ablation plasma and deposition speed, which is thickness of film deposited for one pulse of ion current. Mikrotik blokirovka torrentov Nano-hardness and Young module meanings are higher at the increasing of power density of ion beam. Adhesion value is less at the high deposition speed.

As rule, friction coefficient depends on vice versa from roughness. (authors) • Lang, Joerg; Winsemann, Jutta 2015-04-01 Subaqueous ice-contact fans are deposited by high-energy plane-wall jets from subglacial conduits into standing water bodies. Highly aggradational conditions during flow expansion and deceleration allow for the preservation of bedforms related to supercritical flows, which are commonly considered rare in the depositional record. We present field examples from gravelly and sandy subaqueous ice-contact fan successions, which indicate that deposition by supercritical flows might be considered as a characteristic feature of these depositional systems. The studied successions were deposited in deep ice-dammed lakes, which formed along the margins of the Middle Pleistocene Scandinavian ice sheets across Northern Germany.


The gravel-rich subaqueous fan deposits are dominated by large scour-fills (up to 25 m wide and 3 m) deep and deposits of turbulent hyperconcentrated flows, which are partly attributed to supercritical flow conditions (Winsemann et al., 2009). Scours (up to 4.5 m wide and 0.9 m deep) infilled by gravelly backsets are observed above laterally extensive erosional surfaces and are interpreted as deposits of cyclic steps. Laterally discontinuous beds of low-angle cross-stratified gravel are interpreted as antidune deposits.